An Extraction Roguelike game for Personal Computer Systems

When the money-hungry capitalists from the city of Freeport found ancient, valuable dungeons and cave systems just outside the city, they did precisely what you'd expect - turned to the gig economy to make them rich! Play as one of the many contractors for the Freeport Delving Company Ltd, and explore a-dungeon-a-day in an attempt to make your fortune - or at least scrape by while the company gets rich.


Dungeons of Freeport is a roguelike game with elements taken from extraction shooters for Windows, Linux and Mac computer systems.

Features include:

* No warranty is given procoding any guarantee as to the quality of the jokes

A screen shot showing the centre of Freeport Hollows, the town in Dungeons of Freeport. The player is reading a sign which describes a nearby building as 'The Cat and Crucifix Inn'.

Dungeons of Freeport, with the player in the middle of Freeport Hollows proper.

A screen shot showing the playing being greeted byt eh proprieter of 'The Cat and Crucifix Inn'.

The Cat and Crucifix Inn.

A screen shot showing the character's inventory and character screens'.

Character & Inventory screens.

System Requirements & Tech Specs

Dungeons of Freeport is coded in C++ and uses about 100mb of memory. It should run on most macOS and Windows systems that support 3d acceleration. It is aimed at standard xbox-style controller usage, but also works with that most venerable of input methods - the keyboard.

Getting & Supporting Dungeons of Freeport

Dungeons of Freeport is in active development now.

Information about it can be found by following me on Mastodon over at, or on my dev log.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who made the game?

Me, Elissa. Much of the game's pixel art was crafted by the talented Marcela Marceles.


For questions about Dungeons of Freeport, whether support, bug reports, business, or creative, please email us at